Monday, August 31, 2009

Learning, learning, learning

Tucker is learning so many new skills. She's learning more body parts, some animal sounds, and already starting to "memorize" some of her favorite books. Here's some videos to show off her new skills. :)
The Bowers Fam


Zipidee said...

Hope these are being kept in a safe place. Youtube might not last forever.

Leslie said...

They're all on my computer currently (and I'm working on finding a good external hard drive to back up all my vids and pics just in case my computer crashes). I've also got DVDs on my list of things to get. My computer has a DVD burner, so I'm going to burn some DVDs of all of these videos (from the very start) so I can have them all. Haven't tried it yet, so not sure how hard/easy it's going to be, but it's on my list of things to do. I still love watching all the crazy videos Grandad took of all of us. I certainly want Tucker to be able to do the same. :)

Zipidee said...

Jesus saves and so should you! Copying to a DVD is two clicks or a drag n click ;~)

Remember the size of his camera? It was like working for NBC.