Friday, August 14, 2009


I decided that for football season, I would make Tucker some team colored tutus. (To this I received eye-rolls from Drew, but it's not the first time one of my "crafty ideas" has gotten this treatment and I'm sure it won't be the last.) The idea sprang from my need for pants that can go for both Bama and LSU at the same time for game days. (I have had onesies made for the top half on these days.) I decided I could make a fun tutu with sections in Bama colors and sections in LSU colors to wear with her "Mommy says Roll Tide! Daddy says Geaux Tigers!" and "Roll Tigers Roll!" onesies. (For those of you who don't know, little girl tutus in crazy colors are THE thing right now on the internet, so I figured WHY NOT?!?) My first attempt was a Milton colored tutu (Drew's school) for her to wear to ballgames and concerts (to which I got a "TO A FOOTBALL GAME?!?). HAHA! Once I discovered I could make them, I figured it wouldn't hurt anything to try to sell them since they're so in. I've already got 2 orders and 2 craft fair type shows to take them to sell. Pretty cool. I'm getting pics of T in all the tutus for her size. (I'll be making "big girl tutus" for older children - not plus sized women - also.) Thought I'd share some of these with you because they are really cute! (Please excuse her toplessness in the Milton tutu. That shirt's still under construction.)

"Let's go DIS way, Mommy!"

Action shot, but I love her expression here. She was TOTALLY going to GET me! :)

THAT'S my girl!

Bow on the butt

Taking off

She began patting the tulle - very cute!

This was her first go in a tutu in a while. She kept her arms up away from the tulle for a long time before relaxing into it. haha!



Angie said...

Okay that's just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!

ahibs said...

So cute! Do you have a store on Etsy? Because that's definitely what you should do!!