Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I was reading on a friend's blog about favorite Christmas ornaments and decided to share a short story I wrote when I was in college about my favorite ornaments. My favorite part about this story is when my mom read it, she said, "I didn't know you did that." Haha!
Blue Cloth Covered in Lace
by Leslie McKee Bowers

As she climbed under the thin wire that held the tree to the wall, she couldn’t help but think how amazing it was that she could be so close to everyone and them be oblivious to the fact that she was even there, but there they were sitting on the couch watching TV with nothing but the Christmas tree hiding her and they didn’t know she was there. They would never know that she sat back there playing and watching. They would never know that all of the prettiest ornaments were hanging at the very bottom of the tree back there where she could enjoy just how special they were. The horse, the wreath, and the fan made of blue cloth covered in lace; the glass violin; and the Santa and Mrs. Claus with the kitties in their hands – these ornaments were too pretty and too special to be put on a tree with all of the other ornaments. They didn’t need lights or a pine tree to make them beautiful. No, they were much prettier in her secret place without the other ornaments to clutter their beauty. They only needed to be hung on that bottom branch so she could stare at them and appreciate the true beauty they held.
Merry Christmas! Savor each moment of this blessed season!


Anonymous said...

Hey McKee/Bowers! Look, I've been trying to e-mail you, but I can't find your address anywhere in my e-mail account. I thought I had it saved, but apparently I was mistaken. E-mail me when you get a chance. I want to ask you a question about this blog business.


unclewesty said...

In reference to not being the person sitting on the couch singing at the top of your voice, I am also not the person that puts on noice cancelling headphones to listen to "Messiah" and when I can't take it any more bursts into full voice and scares Andrea to death in the next room.

Leslie said...

Josh, will do.

Unclewesty - HAHAHA!!! I totally know that feeling (although in my house, Drew just usually joins in - if he didn't start it to begin with). We'll have to do some Messiah sing-alongs at Munner's this year. :)