Tucker has finally gotten into a very good routine at bedtime. We can finally put her in the bed, turn on the crickets (a white noise machine), and leave the room. Bedtime done. We haven't rocked her to sleep in ages, but we did spend a long period of lying on the floor beside her crib (usually reading a book) while she fell asleep. This new routine is good and makes my evening hours more productive to no longer be spending 30 min.+ at this activity. Life goes on, children grow and mature.
However, tonight, after an entire day off-schedule and a horrendous (antibiotic-driven) diaper rash, T NEEDED to be held - not to go to sleep, but just for the love and comfort of it. She didn't play (like usual) or go to sleep. She just let me hold her and rub her back (with her caressing my shoulder and ears) for a good, long while. Here's the thing. After about 10 seconds of this, I realized that I NEEDED to be held as well. I had forgotten how comforting it could be for ME to just hold her and rock her while she's still and peaceful. (We don't get still and peaceful much anymore. ha!) It was all I could do to lay her down in her crib to actually go to sleep. I wanted to take her into my bed with me and hold her all night long, being needed and loved, adored even. Oh that sweet girl does me good. And what a wonderful God to give me, not only this little girl, but this magical moment of love with her tonight.