Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

*the silly (but true) version*

I've been thinking of some of the silliest things in life for which I am eternally grateful (truly) and thought I'd put them out there as a shield against negativity, irritation, and pity (all from me, of course).

*I am thankful for all the silly conversations my Diddy and I have quoting TV show moments to each other. It's such a silly bond, but it helped us re-bond through irritations, arguements, and teenagerdom. Now we have more than just the TV quotes, but they're still there and they're still fun!

*I am thankful that my amazingly wonderful, you'd think she's perfect mom (discussed here) isn't really perfect. Sometimes she switches her words, messes up the math when doing it in her head AND being silly with me at the same time (HellOOOOO sugar cookies!), and is a klutz. These are all qualities I got from her and all things we laugh about endlessly together.

*I am thankful that my perfectly serious, professional husband talks and walks in his sleep. The sheer absurdity of those moments are the perfect reminder of how someone as serious as he could marry a goober like I. :)

*I am thankful that my family (parents, sibling, aunts, uncles, cousins, and even Munner occassionally) are as loud, crazy, silly, and happy as I am! It's nice to hang with them and not have to be self-concious about how loud and silly I get when I'm having a truly good time.

*I am thankful for my daughter's independent nature (well.... most of the time anyway). I know that strong will is going to be hard to deal with, BUT a.) it's really funny now ("NO, Mommy. Tutter hold it." "NO, Mommy. I no need help.") and b.) I know she will one day be able to hold her own whenever she needs to.

*I am thankful for my ability to break into song at any given moment. I am thankful to have been raised loving music so much that I rarely have a conversation that doesn't bring SOME song to mind. Music is how my soul speaks. It's how I show love, feel love, express emotion, and even worship God.

It's Thursday in your world, too. What are the silliest parts of your life for which you are TRULY thankful?

Love & Shipoopies,


Darcie said...

A thankful person is the best kind of person to be around for sure! Loved your thankful post!

He & Me + 3 said...

I love that I can break into song like that too. My kids hate it when someone says "you're the best" and my husband & I both start singing the song "You're the best around" from Karate kid. Remember that song?
I have three independent and strong willed kids too.
We are a loud family too